The Zello SDK singleton instance.
The current account status. null when connectionState is not ZelloConnectionState.Connected.
The list of ZelloChannel in the contact list. Sorted by name, ascending.
The current connection state of the SDK.
The console settings for the network. This is only expected to be valid when Zello.connectionState is ZelloConnectionState.Connected.
The configured emergency channel.
The list of ZelloGroupConversation in the contact list. Sorted by name, ascending.
The currently playing history voice message.
The list of incoming emergencies. There can be multiple emergencies on the emergency channel at once. Sorted by start timestamp, ascending.
The current incoming voice message.
The listener for SDK events.
The current outgoing emergency.
The current outgoing voice message.
The list of recent entries. Sorted by timestamp, descending.
The currently selected contact.
The state of the SDK.
Adds users to the group conversation.
Clears all message notifications.
Clears message notifications for the given contact.
Signs into to the Zello Work network using the provided credentials. This will typically trigger Zello.Listener.onConnectStarted, followed by either Zello.Listener.onConnectSucceeded or Zello.Listener.onConnectFailed. However, if the state is incorrect, Zello.Listener.onConnectFailed will be immediately called with ZelloConnectionError.INVALID_STATE.
Connects to the given channel. Once connected, the user will be able to send and receive messages from the channel. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onContactListUpdated event.
Creates a new group conversation with the given users.
Signs out of the Zello Work network. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onDisconnected event.
Disconnects from the given channel. Once disconnected, the user will no longer be able to send or receive messages from the channel. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onContactListUpdated event.
Ends the dispatch call for the given dispatch channel. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onDispatchCallEnded event.
Returns the channel with the given name. Case-insensitive.
Returns the group conversation with the given name. Case-insensitive.
Gets the history messages for the given contact. Pagination can be achieved by calling this method multiple times with increasing size values.
Gets the history message for the given history identifier.
Removes the user from the group conversation.
Gets the image data for the given history image message.
Mutes the given contact. When muted, incoming messages from this contact will not play live, but will still appear in the history. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onContactListUpdated event.
Plays the given history voice message. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onHistoryPlaybackStarted event.
Renames the given group conversation. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onGroupConversationRenamed and Zello.Listener.onContactListUpdated events.
Sends the alert message to the given contact. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingAlertMessageSent event if successful, or the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingAlertMessageSendFailed event if there is an error.
Sends the image message data to the given contact. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingImageMessageSent event if successful, or the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingImageMessageSendFailed event if there is an error.
Sends the location message to the given contact. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingLocationMessageSent event if successful, or the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingLocationMessageSendFailed event if there is an error.
Sends the text message to the given contact. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingTextMessageSent event if successful, or the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingTextMessageSendFailed event if there is an error.
Sets the user's online account status. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onAccountStatusChanged event.
Sets the selected contact. While optional, this is typically used for tracking the contact that the user is currently interacting with. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onSelectedContactChanged event.
Starts an outgoing emergency to the emergency channel. Upon starting, the user's location will be sent, an alert message will be sent, and a 10-second-long voice message will start recording. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingEmergencyStarted event.
Starts a voice message with the given contact. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingVoiceMessageConnecting event, followed by the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingVoiceMessageStarted event. If there is an error, the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingVoiceMessageStopped event will be triggered.
Stops the outgoing emergency. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingEmergencyStopped event.
Stops the currently playing history voice message. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onHistoryPlaybackStopped event.
Stops the current outgoing voice message. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onOutgoingVoiceMessageStopped event.
Submits a problem report to Zello. Additionally, please contact us to provide more information on what happened.
Unmutes a previously muted contact. When unmuted, incoming messages from this contact will play live. This will trigger the Zello.Listener.onContactListUpdated event.