Package-level declarations


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class Zello : SendLocationHelperEvents, Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks

The Zello SDK singleton instance.

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The status of the current account.

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data class ZelloAlertMessage(val incoming: Boolean, val timestamp: Long, val contact: ZelloContact, val text: String, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null)

A Zello alert message. Alert messages contain text and are typically used for important messages. They will play a recurring sound until the user acknowledges them by bringing the app to the foreground.

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open class ZelloChannel(val name: String, val isMuted: Boolean, val status: ZelloChannel.ConnectionStatus, val usersOnline: Int, val options: ZelloChannel.Options) : ZelloContact

A Zello channel. A channel contains multiple users.

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Errors that are encountered by connection.

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The connection state of the Zello SDK

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data class ZelloConsoleSettings(val allowTextMessages: Boolean, val allowImageMessages: Boolean, val allowLocationMessages: Boolean, val allowAlertMessages: Boolean, val allowNonDispatchersToEndCalls: Boolean, val allowGroupConversations: Boolean)

Settings for the network. These are configured via the Zello Work Administrative Console.

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sealed interface ZelloContact

The parent type for all Zello contact types, including users and channels.

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data class ZelloCredentials(val network: String, val username: String, val password: String)

The credentials required to connect to Zello.

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class ZelloDispatchChannel(val name: String, val isMuted: Boolean, val status: ZelloChannel.ConnectionStatus, val usersOnline: Int, val options: ZelloChannel.Options, val currentCall: ZelloDispatchChannel.Call?) : ZelloChannel

A Zello dispatch channel. A dispatch channel is a special type of channel that has calls between a user and a dispatcher.

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class ZelloGroupConversation(val name: String, val isMuted: Boolean, val status: ZelloChannel.ConnectionStatus, val usersOnline: Int, val options: ZelloChannel.Options, val displayName: String, val users: List<ZelloChannel.User>, val onlineUsers: List<ZelloChannel.User>) : ZelloChannel

An ad-hoc group conversation in Zello. A ZelloGroupConversation is a type of ZelloChannel, but the provisioning is done by the end user instead of through the Zello Work Administrative Console.

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data class ZelloHistoryAlertMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val timestamp: Long, val historyId: String, val incoming: Boolean, val text: String) : ZelloHistoryMessage

A Zello history alert message.

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data class ZelloHistoryImageMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val timestamp: Long, val historyId: String, val incoming: Boolean) : ZelloHistoryMessage

A Zello history image message. The retrieve the Bitmap for the message, use the Zello.loadBitmapForHistoryImageMessage function.

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data class ZelloHistoryLocationMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val timestamp: Long, val historyId: String, val incoming: Boolean, val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double, val accuracy: Double, val address: String?) : ZelloHistoryMessage

A Zello history location message.

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sealed interface ZelloHistoryMessage

The parent type for all Zello history messages.

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data class ZelloHistoryTextMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val timestamp: Long, val historyId: String, val incoming: Boolean, val text: String) : ZelloHistoryMessage

A Zello history text message.

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data class ZelloHistoryVoiceMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val timestamp: Long, val historyId: String, val incoming: Boolean, val durationMs: Long) : ZelloHistoryMessage

A Zello history voice message. To play the message, use the Zello.playHistoryMessage function.

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data class ZelloImageMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val thumbnail: Bitmap?, val image: Bitmap?, val incoming: Boolean, val timestamp: Long, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null)

A Zello image message.

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data class ZelloIncomingEmergency(val channel: ZelloChannel, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User, val emergencyId: String, val startTimestamp: Long, val endTimestamp: Long? = null)

An incoming Zello emergency.

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data class ZelloIncomingVoiceMessage(val contact: ZelloContact, val timestamp: Long, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null)

An incoming Zello voice message.

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data class ZelloLocationMessage(val incoming: Boolean, val timestamp: Long, val contact: ZelloContact, val latitude: Double, val longitude: Double, val accuracy: Double, val address: String?, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null)

A Zello location message.

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data class ZelloOutgoingEmergency(val channel: ZelloChannel, val startTimestamp: Long, val endTimestamp: Long? = null)

An outgoing Zello emergency

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data class ZelloOutgoingVoiceMessage(val timestamp: Long, val contact: ZelloContact, val state: ZelloOutgoingVoiceMessage.State)

An outgoing Zello voice message.

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data class ZelloRecentEntry(val contact: ZelloContact, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null, val type: ZelloRecentEntry.Type, val timestamp: Long, val incoming: Boolean)

A Zello recent entry. This contains information about the most recent message sent to the ZelloContact. There is only one recent entry per contact.

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sealed class ZelloState

The state of the Zello SDK. SDK features can only be used once Zello.start is called and its Zello.state is Started.

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data class ZelloTextMessage(val incoming: Boolean, val timestamp: Long, val contact: ZelloContact, val text: String, val channelUser: ZelloChannel.User? = null)

A Zello text message.

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data class ZelloUser(val name: String, val isMuted: Boolean, val displayName: String, val status: ZelloUser.Status, val customStatusText: String?, val profilePictureUrl: String?, val profilePictureThumbnailUrl: String?, val supportedFeatures: ZelloUser.SupportedFeatures) : ZelloContact

A Zello user.